News Releases

Double H Auction & Realty

The Brand That Sells


If you are waiting for the right time to sell your real estate property, or list your items for auction, then you now is the time to call DOUBLE H AUCTION & REALTY. We have been selling the heck out of houses and have several Buyers wanting to look at homes for sale, both in town and in the country.   We also have Buyers wanting farm ground.  We can sell your real estate via private treaty of by auction.  Call today to talk to any of our professional staff for more information.

    The monthly consignment auctions will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month.  We will be selling vehicles, major appliances, antiques, furniture, tools etc on that night.  The following Tuesday will be an “ABB” Auction (Attic, Barn, & Basement) and will consist of the items brought in for the consignment auction that need to be boxed together. The auction staff will do the sorting prior to the Thursday night auction.  These boxed items will be spread out on the floor in the backend of the Emporium and will sell by the box on the Tuesday following the Monthly Consignment auction. There will be no choicing of the items of any box.  We invite all dealers.  If you are interested in consigning to this monthly service call ahead to reserve your spot and make arrangements to bring in your items.  If this is clear as mud, give Jim a call and he’ll explain the procedure to you.  

    The Fall Farm Machinery/Livestock Equipment Consignment auction was held Saturday, August 20.  It was well attended and we had only 2 items no sale (The American Auger, and 1 pickup).  The Spring Farm Machinery/Livestock Equipment Consignment auction will be  March 18, 2006.  Make plans now to consign your items and/or attend.  

For more information contact us at:

Double H Auction & Realty
304 E. Ave. North
Lyons, Kansas  67554

(620) 257-5656 or (800) 536-5605

or e-mail questions to:

[email protected]